Season Ends

In the heartland

In the heartland

Frost on the pumpkins, color in the trees.  The pears are canned, the garden is empty.

heavy loads ....

heavy loads ….

Maybe now I can get back to the Chase!

Someone else’s find:   From Science Daily   —-

The Real Life Inspiration for Indiana Jones

Foster Raymond: Fossil Hunter an adventure novel about dinosaurs

The Real Life Inspiration for Indiana Jones

Fossil Hunter Roy Chapman Andrews traveled Mongolia by camel and horse–fought packs of snakes–and discovered the terrifying Velociraptor!

Learn more here:

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borrowed from Kelly @flateleven—Thank you.

Me to Mr Waterhigh:  please, please, please, ….

I think once he’s done with his day job we could hit the road. If it’s not too cold.  And I’ve got this puzzle solved, with confidence.

Forrest Fenn's Treasure Chest

Forrest Fenn’s Treasure Chest

Ask Me No Questions and I’ll Tell You No Lies

“Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies.”

Enzo to Andreas from The Dane

Cripple Creek, Colo., under martial law, 1894

Cripple Creek, Colo., under martial law, 1894 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Thanks to Stephanie and Toby for sharing Tuesday’s book signing Q & A in Santa Fe.  It’s the next best thing to being there.

Forrest Fenn was being Forrest Fenn—

a)  generously giving a new clue:  The treasure is not above 20,000 feet.**  Not that any of the mountains appearing on his map in Too Far To Walk are nearly that high.

I remember wishing while out west that my car had an altimeter so I’d know when I was over 5,000 feet  (a previous clue.)

b)  sealing his lips when asked for too much information.


2012.07.17-IMG_5034 (Photo credit: martin_kalfatovic)

It looked like the entire trio (Fenn, Preston, and McGarrity) had a wonderful time.  Thanks again!

Now, in other business—i.e.  Dal’s current contest—

I sent him 2 pictures, so the caption you see goes more with the first one, not shown, which is a shadow of a small wooden chest dripping with (costume) jewelry, and it’s the only picture, shadow or otherwise, that anyone is going to see of my “chest” on the internet.

Secondly, and this shouldn’t need to be stated, the “jewel” I’m holding in picture two is fake, a piece of glass, just so no one gets the idea it would be worth their trip to the Midwest.

If I had something like that, it would be in a vault like this one which happens to be on an island somewhere in the Pacific.  Just

**  A better clue, the treasure is not over 10,200 feet, appeared in a separate article recently.

Dinosaur for Sale

Forrest Fenn's Treasure Chest

Forrest Fenn’s Treasure Chest




Wondering what to do if you find Fenn’s treasure chest? Just a thought, if you have room in your basement? barn? museum?
Myself? I’d keep the jewels. Just what is a coat bracelet, I wonder?

Trowels and Trenches

I need to borrow £600,000.

Or AU$1,006,629.

Don’t worry, I’m good for it.

Mark the 27th of November in your calendars everyone. That is the day that Misty, a Diplodocus longus dinosaur goes up for auction at the Summer Place auction house in Billingshurst, England. The 18m long and 6m high dinosaur is estimated to sell for somewhere between £400,000- 600,000 and is one of only a handful of Diplodocus’ in the world. In fact the bones of the Diplodocus are so rare that even London’s Natural History Museum displays a plaster cast that is based on two separate skeletons.

MistyIt took a team nine weeks to excavate Misty, after the fluke discovery of the female specimen outside of the Dana Quarry in Wyoming. Famed dinosaur hunter Raimund Albersdoerfer was undertaking an excavation in the quarry when he sent his sons to investigate the area, not expecting them to…

View original post 134 more words

Pepperoni, Watermelon, and a Chainsaw?


Forrest copied me on this colorful tale, so I’ll share it for those of you who haven’t seen Scrapbook Forty Six on Dal’s blog, Thrill of the Chase.  It’s so Fenn!

“October 2013

I never go shopping…     

But I was in Kaune’s grocery store with five items in my cart. Just a few things I needed to watch the Broncos play the Cowboys: pepperoni, bologna, Tabasco, salami and horseradish.

As I approached the check out counter, a shapely twentyish-looking woman raced past me. Her pushcart was loaded with six-packs of Corona beer. She wore tight shorts and slosh sandals, but it was her large hair – garish red and full of curlers – that struck me. The curlers were mostly white but a few were brown, and her piercings and tattoos introduced me to a world I had rarely seen before. I told myself I had to get out more.

As I slowed my cart to prevent a wreck, Mz Fashion Maven gave me a grin that said my 83 years were no match for her youth and exuberance.

The checkout line moved slowly and the delay gave me time to observe Mz Maven, who seemed to be annoyed by my preoccupation with the objects that decorated her hair. As we stood there looking at each other, I politely asked, pointing to her hair, “How many stations can you get on that thing?”

Zowee, I quickly regretted the question as the color in her face started to match her hair tint. Suddenly she looked like she had an itch in a place she couldn’t scratch. It really bothered me when she yelled, “How dare you…!” (expletives deleted) in a loud and commanding voice.

When all of the shoppers started staring at me, I wanted them to see that my hands were in my pockets and had been there for a long time. I was embarrassed and slowly backed away. Outside I watched from behind a truck of watermelons until Mz Maven loaded her supplies beside a chainsaw in the back of her pickup truck. As she pulled out, I saw she had a bumper sticker that read: Practice Beauty & Random Acts of Pleasure.

I munched on saltine crackers while the Broncos beat the Cowboys by three points. I’ve decided to stay at home more. f “

Heated curlers in Schenzhen, China

Heated curlers in Schenzhen, China (Photo credit: Pondspider)

I told Forrest it sounded like a chapter for his next book.  Title?  How about “If You Are Brave.”

(Do the saltines mean he left without the health food?)

English: Curlers in Innisfail, Alberta. L-R ba...

English: Curlers in Innisfail, Alberta. L-R back row: Mr. Fairley; Billy Wilson. L-R front row: Mr. Agnew; John A. Simpson (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Gators in the Gallery

(Okay.  This is not about Forrest Fenn‘s book tour, but certain things just remind me of his backyard “pets”!)

Now showing—

Gator Jowls

Gator Jowls

Artist, photographer, poet, naturalist Susan Van Wassenhove illustrated her book of poetry by making 19 finely-detailed quilts. The book The Seldom-Ever-Shady Glades was inspired by her sojourn in Florida and is published by Boyds Mills Press.

Her next collection, poems and photos of butterflies….

The traveling quilts can be seen here:

The Quilts back-1

English: Eureka College, Eureka, Illinois

English: Eureka College, Eureka, Illinois (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Alma mater of—

Ronald Reagan on the Eureka College Football T...

Ronald Reagan on the Eureka College Football Team 1929 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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