Tea With Olga

tea time

tea time (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Some things don’t jump out at you until later.

This chapter of The Thrill of the Chase is about a neighbor and friend of Forrest Fenn’s, a bittersweet story.  It put me in mind of many things, the line from Robert Frost’s poem, for one, about having promises to keep.

Taos Mtn. from El Prado,New Mexico

Taos Mtn. from El Prado,New Mexico (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So, what did I learn from this chapter of TTOTC?  I think it was about making adjustments in the face of reality.

Yes, Forrest Fenn was headed for the summit, the usually icy, snowy peak, but the green of the meadows within the ponderosa and aspen seemed the  better choice.

And, that’s why I think he may not have hidden the chest where he originally intended.  Just speculation on my part.  Like he said, “Indecision is the key to flexibility, . . . .”

But then again, he said he “knew exactly where to hide the chest . . . .”

Forrest Fenn's Treasure Chest

Forrest Fenn’s Treasure Chest

3 thoughts on “Tea With Olga

  1. I thought the tea colors were a reference to Crow Indians. Red tea = setting sun, Olga declined his offer to purchase her casita. Back tea = victory, when stuck the deal, Green tea = mother earth, Ilga & her father togethet.

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