Up My Creek

IMG_20140926_095709_595Play day.

A week and a half late but a perfect day for it.

(Inre:  Warm waters/Putting In— I made a less than graceful re-entry after the picnic lunch.  I need more practice.)

Monarch Butterfly Danaus plexippus Purple Cone...Monarch Butterfly Danaus plexippus Purple Coneflower 3008 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Monarchs everywhere lately!

IMG_0018Once the harvest is over, I may have more time for the Chase.


nursery rhymes5





All Wet


Just Ducky

Just Ducky

So.  We were going to celebrate 35 today by taking the kayaks out. A little rain never stopped us.  (It’s not like it’s a ‘gully-washer’ or ‘toad-drownder’, as our OK friends would say.)  Thunder and lightning, ( or ice,)  though, is another story.

Kulusuk, Greenland. The old and the new: kayak...Kulusuk, Greenland. The old and the new: kayak ontop of a dogsled. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

But, as an old man once said (everyday of his life), “It’s a good day for it.”

Maybe.  Maybe it’s a good day for frogs, toads, and other hoppy things.


Froggy Serenade?

Too Far To Walk

Too Far To Walk

Yep, and later we might go out for pizza.




“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” –Heraclitus

Ephesus on the coast of Asia Minor, birthplace...Ephesus on the coast of Asia Minor, birthplace of Heraclitus (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Worth the Cold?

Glad to hear of the successful rescue of a searcher who got stuck in the snow out west!  (See Dal’s site, Thrill of the Chase, for details.)

But hey, people.   Could we not be doing things that might keep Forrest up at night!  And his nephew Chip.  And the other heroes.  Just saying.

I’m only hunting morels and asparagas until the snow is melted in Yellowstone.   (Can’t eat ’em, but, you know, it’s the thrill of the chase.)


“Just How I Roll”

Remind me not to whine about a little snow…..

Kenny Salvini

I woke up At 6 AM on Sunday morning, groggily cursing daylight saving time for having robbed me of an hour’s sleep – as if I was innocently staying up till 1 AM the night before and it had snuck up on me. Like a ninja. But as my two caregivers – one disturbingly chipper and the other equally as grumpy as me – stuffed my lifeless limbs into layer after layer of winter clothing, I felt my mood begin to shift, for the early morning came with good purpose. Round two on the slopes awaited.

The nerves from the week prior were gone. Having cleared so many emotional hurdles on the last trip, I was looking forward getting my bearings on the bi-ski without the stress and pressure of such a momentous undertaking clouding my mind. We arrived early and met with the two volunteers who would be…

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A Message from Rennelle


Our good wishes to Rennelle continue.


Please accept my apologies for the tardiness of this response to the overwhelming gift of the raffle proceeds.  I was away for awhile, and although I tried mightily to finish all of the thank-you cards and messages before I left, I didn’t quite succeed.  My lack of a timely reply, however, in no way reflects the amount of my gratitude.


A cancer patient has a lot of different weights on his or her shoulders.  In my case, there is the constant out-of-state travel to medical appointments, the daily battle to continue some sort of normality through the fog and sickness caused by years of chemotherapy, and, of course, the reality of the never-ceasing medical bills.

In a single, combined effort from all of you, one of my weights was lifted.  To each and every person who participated in the raffle, please accept my heartfelt thanks for your contributions.

Many of you promoted the raffle on your respective blogs, and I want to thank you all for your work on my behalf.  It would be logical to assume that so many searchers looking for a single prize would be ultra-competitive with each other!  That may be, but you are also community-minded and came together to pull off an event that was successful beyond anyone’s imagination.  You all have my respect, my admiration, and most of all, my thanks.

I’d also like to thank the Collected Works Bookstore and Dorothy Massey, who offered a lovely setting in which to host the raffle event.  Suzanne Somers offered her support in the days leading up to the event, and I was humbled and grateful to receive her beautiful message.  The lovely and gracious Ali McGraw was kind enough to participate in the drawing, and I was so very appreciative of her willingness to lend us her time.  Thanks also to Toby Younis, who used his professional abilities to record the raffle event and stream it live. I watched it from my chemo chair and couldn’t contain my smiles.


Every day for several weeks, Dal Neitzel donated so much time to the raffle process that I doubt he ever slept!  Dal, I am so appreciate of all your hard work and selfless efforts.


The incomparable Forrest Fenn turned his raffle idea into reality, as he has done with countless other ideas throughout his lifetime.  This time, however, it was for my benefit, and for that, I give him my endless gratitude.  Thank you, Forrest.  You remain my hero.
Thank you all so very much, and I hope to see you on the trail!



Click here for her story in Forrest Fenn’s words.

Read more about the raffle here.IMG_0231

English: Actor, entrepreneur Suzanne Somers

English: Actor, entrepreneur Suzanne Somers (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Wondering what Forrest did last weekend?  Check  out  Forrest Fenn’s Scrapbook Fifty-Six over on Dal’s blog.

Who is Forrest Fenn?  Here’s an interview with Fenn, the Pilot.  Thank you Dal.

It brings to mind an earlier video I shared…..terrifying but really funny for those of us who have a slight fear of flying.

That’s what friends are for….. right?

Gluttons For Punishment

Is your Thrill of the Chase hunt not going so well?
Here’s another way to find gold.

Appalachian Prospectors Gold Prospecting Adventures

Hillbilly John and I made our usual trek northward to the Western Mountains of Maine on the first week of September which has been customary for us for over the past several years. This year Hillbilly John’s daughter Melissa and her boyfriend Mike accompanied us. It was their first time out dredging for gold.  It was also their first time visiting Maine. The weather was nice, it was warm and humid and it looked like we were going to have some nice weather for the labor day weekend. We arrived in the later part of the afternoon, we set up camp, jumped on the quads and headed out to the spot we planned to dredge in to look it over and put together a solid plan for the following day. We had a location picked out that we have dredged before that we had gotten some nice gold out of. We…

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Thor (-ium) Ablaze // Road Food

Miss Muffet

Miss Muffet

{Not a happy post.  Not a Fenn treasure post.}

When I packed for my road trip to search for the treasure chest, I filled a cooler with frozen juices, healthy food, waters, and even falafel mix. (I know, but when you’re trying to dine gluten-free and non-GMO and non-ractopamine, etc, etc, what are you going to do? )

It was a cooler apparently in name only, and with the 105 degree days, I was adding copious amounts of ice within 48 hours.  I ran low on my rations early on, but once I hit Wyoming, I started ordering steak salads,  (and was never disappointed!)

Thor (Marvel Comics)

Okay.  So how does this relate to Thor, you ask?

—  See prior post– a reblog of Regenaxe’s Nuclear Fire.  It gave me pause.

Once upon a time, I was avidly against nuclear power plants.  After Three-Mile-Island, I was ardently antinuke.  Post Chernobyl–fervently  so.

As I said, I thought it was difficult to eat on the road and avoid gluten and gmo’s (biotech)  and other toxins.  Now, post-Fukishima, I find it hard to eat even at home.

Grocery shopping:  I hesitate to buy seafood now.  Pasture-raised meat and dairy?  Doesn’t excite me like it used to.

Can I even find non-gmo corn products?  Only if it’s organic, and now I’m not even sure about that.

Does it really only have to be 95% Gmo-free by weight to be considered organic?  Just how much can an engineered gene weigh?  And I just read that organic doesn’t mean Round-Up free, either.  What the ….?

Remember that first week after the tsunami and the reports of spikes in the  readings starting on the West coast, and then the East?  And then, no more news?

We’re sort of ‘fuked’.

So, back to Thor.


A couple weeks ago I heard an interview on the radio.  Someone promoting a book promoting nuclear power.  Before changing channels though, I heard enough to be interested.

Thorium reactions can’t go critical (into meltdown mode) and create maybe only 10% of the waste  current technologies produce.  Not a bad thing.

While China and India are pursuing this technology,  America is burying thorium as a waste product.  (Somewhere, I guess.)

Other minds know more about this.  The book is Thorium–energy cheaper than coal by Robert Hargraves.

Is it too late?  Who knows.  With three reactors in meltdown and spent rod cooling ponds running out of water storage space across the ocean, and fish freaking me out on the scale of their radioactivity, I kind of try to ignore it.

No Fishing Allowed

No Fishing Allowed

When Japan got hit and the news trickled out, I sent my kids emails and told them to eat seaweed and kelp.  Not that they listened, but it was the least I could do.  Now I won’t be buying any more seaweed products either, not that I was a big fan.  I still have some pre-Fukishima capsules.

Okay.  Back to the Chase.  I need some fun.

Nuclear Fire


There was a total eclipse of the sun yesterday, but unless you were hundreds of miles off the US Atlantic coastline, there was no chance for North Americans to see this eclipse in its totality. If you were on the eastern seaboard, you could enjoy the partial eclipse version of this celestial event, but we here in the Midwest were too far inland to see anything. I have seen one total eclipse in my life, in 1979; I flew up to Manitoba in February to witness it, not exactly a peak tourist season there. Last year, there was a mini-eclipse of sorts, the transit of Venus. I was able to photograph it from the front yard. Last month, at the U-City Circle in a Square quilt show, Jerri Stroud displayed her The Transit of Venus quilt. All of these astronomically themed pictures are simply preamble to what I really want…

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Gators in Minnesota ! ? ! ? !

English: A yawning American alligator (Alligat...

Gators in Minnesota ! ? ! ? !

{Just so you know, I toss a gator in the moat before I leave home.}

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Wisconsin Wit

“An alligator that surprised two boys fishing in a Washington County lake was shot dead by a Minnesota Department of Natural Resources enforcement officer, but another alligator remained on the loose Thursday.”

This was necessary because, as the DNR officer explained, “alligators don’t belong in Minnesota lakes and have no business alarming anglers.”

The search for Bonnie continues. You already know the name of her dead partner.

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SCARED IN THE SKIES! Man Takes Friend Who is AFRAID of Flying on Aerobatics Flight

This is funny, in a terrifying sort of way.

Profanity Trail

Profanity Trail (Photo credit: found_drama)

[Warning:  put on mute if bad language offends you]

Click on this:  SCARED IN THE SKIES! Man Takes Friend Who is AFRAID of Flying on Aerobatics Flight.

I can relate.  A friend once took me up in a tiny plane, sans the aerobics;  just a mighty crosswind on landing.

Thank you, Jim.  It was unforgettable.   : )